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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Discover the World of Paint by Numbers – Fun for All Ages

Discover the World of Paint by Numbers – Fun for All Ages

Unleash your creative passion and explore the world of Paint by Numbers! Get inspired, learn the basics, and have fun with this exciting activity.  

Overselling it?  I think not!

I completed another paint by numbers, a painting with a bit of whimsy since sometimes I think I take myself too seriously.  What do you think?  It's not everyday you see a deer dressed in clothing and leaning up against a chair, is it?  I love those whimsical ideas where the ordinary becomes quite the opposite.  

When I saw this deer paint by numbers, I thought oh, how different, a deer in a suit, reminds me of my desire to have Bentley's picture painted only with him wearing a suit or perhaps a king's garb.  I added it to my online cart right away.  When it came I was in the middle of working on the peonies painting so it got shoved to the side for a little later.

Once I completed the peonies painting, I began this stately deer painting.  I have to admit, this one was one of those projects where I as very doubtful it would turn out.  At one point I was like, aim for decent and leave it at that.  If I make that goal, then it's a win.  

Right up until the end I was doubting why I ever tried this one.  For some reason, the paint colors looked off to me, and I kept thinking why did they choose these colors?  How will this ever look okay?    

If you try a paint by number, just go with it, even when you doubt how it will look.  I always have a little hesitation with each one, but this one tried my ability to see it all come together.  I know, I was just as surprised as you are. 

This chair was a major challenge for me.  The colors kept throwing me off, I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to look like the small picture they always provide, looking so perfect, and then I am seeing reality, and I think huh.... how will this ever work?    

In real life, I am in love with this style of chair, but do you see how the color all fills in around the chair?  I kept thinking it appeared as if the chair had flames on it.  Ha!      

I was happy that they sent a plastic magnifier along with this painting, and let me tell you I used it off and on throughout my adventures painting the days away.  This gal's tired old eyes just cannot see all of that detail any more which actually makes me pretty sad.

I guess all of those years of staring at a computer screen has fried my eyeballs.  Okay, a bit dramatic, but once upon a time, I had 20/20 vision and could see the most minute detail, and now?  Now, I struggle to see these small paint-by-number lines and areas for me to fill all of that lovely color with.  

If only my child self could see my adult self!  She would cringe and say stay in those lines lady!  Oh yeah, I was one of those... do you know I would not let my sister color in my coloring books because she did not stay in the lines (we were 3 and 8 so I guess I should have cut her some slack)?  

True story.  

Our mother always picked up two identical coloring books because I simply could not deal with it.  Okay, maybe a bit OCD at a young age, I know.  My mother rolled with it though and just said you can have your own and color together which we did, often.

Do you know we still get together as adults and color together at the dining room table.  Of course, it is usually for a holiday, but my husband just chuckles and says I cannot believe all three of you are coloring.  I do not see a problem with it, do you?  It is so relaxing.  It is one of the reasons I decided to give painting by numbers a try, plus I like a bit of art on our walls that is not mainstream.  

Well, once it was finished I thought, okay... not too bad.  It doesn't look nearly as bad as I saw in my mind.  Don't you just love it when you get a project completed and you think well, I didn't bomb so bad after all.  I actually ended up being pleased with it. 

I did not think we had any extra 16x20 frames and I thought now what am I going to do?  No spend January is in the works, I cannot just hop onto Amazon and buy one.  Then I looked in the attic and didn't find one in the chaos up there.  Yes, it is, or should I say was a mess... all cleaned up and Christmas is put away now thank goodness.  Hubby did an awesome job of getting me back on track, thank you dear!  

So I drifted down to the basement since you never know what you will find, and came across a frame that I knew would work.  Don't you just love it when you stumble across exactly what you are searching for, and then you realize, hey, I do not need to spend any money for this project!  It is the best feeling in the world because who doesn't love FREE

The frame housed a picture from Kmart from many years ago.  I removed it since it was only a very thin piece of paper printed with a field of flowers on it, then added my favorite #1 Rub-n-Buff.  Can you believe I actually never displayed the picture in our home.  I always knew that frame had a purpose and it was not to house that picture.  

I miss our Kmart, did you have one in your area?  I loved going in there and seeing what I could find on their blue light specials and then give them make overs.  

I always seemed to walk out of there with something, or a cart load.  The best was their clearance section after any holiday.  I would always find Christmas decor, Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day items.  Usually my go to was hand towels for my bathroom for each holiday.  

It is a shame, we do not have stores that replace those once great stores of the past.  We have very limited shopping in our area which is why I tend to purchase most things online.  I would love to support local, but it is difficult when there is very little here available.  

My husband, or I mean Santa delivered six new paint by numbers to me.  I know, can you believe that?  What luck!  How nice of that Santa, he must know what I like.  

I have enjoyed stepping out of my normal of decorating all of the time, and taking a bit of time for myself with painting.  When you are so focused on those small sections, it takes all of your focus so it really helps me to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand.  Do you think Santa is trying to tell me something?  Oh, he is.  

I started a snow scene which I am looking forward to seeing finished, but wow, I thought this one had small sections to paint?  I did not know squat, this one is super tiny.  I cannot see some of the small spaces even with my glasses AND the magnifier so I may be back to wondering how it will turn out.  Let's hope not, I will keep you posted.

Paint by numbers is an exciting and rewarding activity for anyone interested in exploring their creative side. With the help of precise outlines and numbered sections, it’s easy to follow and can be both fun and therapeutic. Even when I was stressed with how this one would turn out, I found I enjoyed painting it. I turn up the music and get to work and let my mind go, it is really freeing.

Paint by numbers is a great way to unwind, focus, and relax. It helps me reduce stress and mental fatigue while providing clarity and perspective. Not only that, but it’s also an enjoyable activity you can do with others! Gathering around the table with friends or even your kids can help grow relationships while having fun with art! Plus, at the end of it all, you get to take home a beautiful piece of artwork to enjoy in your own home.

Remember, we are the family who still colors together. Painting would be so sophisticated of us, ha! Too bad a painting takes a while to complete, and not like a coloring page at all. Oh well, I will stick to the painting all by my lonesome for the time being.

I'd hate for anyone to see my moves... oh yes, I find myself dancing while I paint. A sight to see I'm sure, but hey, it's Bentley and I, home all day so we entertain each other. I am sure some days he is like seriously mom? You are so embarrassing, so glad my friends cannot see you! Yep, dogs even get embarrassed by their parents, you mean you didn't know?

As you can see, this fella found his home in our TV room, and I decided to not style this table. This is real life folks, and why make it look at all pretty when this is how it looks from day to day. I am keeping it real.

I keep my Jergens close, I love it and it keeps my hands moisturized. Bentley has his treats, of course, but it is really filled with his food. He brings his little toy and requests it be filled on a daily basis. He gets bored otherwise and who am I to turn him down if it makes him happy... yes, you do see some samples of vinyl plank flooring that we use as coasters on our table (go pick up some free samples to use as coasters too, you know I am all about the free), and there are a few real coasters thrown into the mix. No day would be complete without my tissues!

So that is what real life looks like for us everyday on this end table. We even decided to turn it horizontal instead of vertical to our room. It provides a nice surface for both the loveseat and chair that it is nested between.

Oh, and you know what? I love our vintage curtains too! They are a pinch pleat with an almost tweed-like material on a traverse curtain rod. It's how I roll around here. The first floor still has the traverse curtain rods in every room, I only changed them out on the second floor. What can I say, I love them. Old school gal here, but I doubt you expected anything less.

Funny, but anything this last year has taught me is to be just be... be myself, be happy, be content, which for the most part I always have been, but I think people need to see that bloggers are people too. So, I am showing you real life this year here in 2023. Have yourself a lovely day!

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  1. You're so right, coloring is so relaxing!! Speaking of, did you enter my giveaway for the coloring book? Ends Saturday evening. The painting is very interesting. Reminds me of the odd one of dogs sitting around a table playing cards. I like things that aren't so ordinary.

    1. I like this one completed, the in process did not make much sense to me. I have already moved onto the next one. These next ones will be fun since I did not choose them myself, and it will be like Christmas all over again when I open each one to get started.

