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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Flavorful and Healthy: Ground Turkey Stir-Fry Recipe for a Nutritious Meal

Flavorful and Healthy: Ground Turkey Stir-Fry Recipe for a Nutritious Meal 

Looking for a delicious and healthy stir-fry recipe?  Try our ground turkey stir-fry packed with nutritious veggies and bursting with flavor.  This easy to make dish will satisfy your taste buds while keeping your meal balanced and wholesome. 

Stir fries are a fantastic way to incorporate a variety of vegetables and lean proteins into a delicious and healthy meal.  If you're looking for a nutritious and flavorful option, our ground turkey stir-fry recipe is a must try.  This recipe combines the lean protein of ground turkey with a colorful assortment of vegetables, creating a balanced and satisfying dish that's quick and easy to prepare.  Get ready to enjoy a yummy stir-fry bursting with flavor.  

Do you notice my dinners are typically unplanned?  I create recipes best under the gun with an hour to go before hubby comes home, and whatever protein I have removed from the freezer that morning.  A little something I learned as a teen cooking dinner for our family.  

The other morning I removed a package of ground turkey and let it thaw all afternoon.  When dinnertime came about, I thought okay, now what?  There are days when I am excited to make a new recipe, and others where a new recipe just comes about by accident, this would be one of those recipes.  

I removed this package of stir-fry vegetables from the freezer, and thought ahh, stir fry sounds pretty yummy tonight.  We have not had it in ages, but I wanted to go a different route than I typically do, and so that is what I did.

What you will need:
  1. 1 package of deluxe stir-fry vegetables (broccoli, Italian green beans, carrots, baby corn, water chestnuts, red peppers
  2. 1 lb ground turkey
  3. 1 package white capped mushrooms, cut into fours
  4. 1/2 medium sized red onion, chopped
  5. 1 T olive oil
  6. 1 t garlic powder
  7. 1/2 t ground ginger
  8. 3 T honey
  9. 2 T soy sauce 
  10. 1/2 c black rice, prepared (I cut the recipe in half from what is on the package)
  11. Salt and pepper to taste 

 What you will need to do: 
  • In skillet set to medium heat, coat bottom of pan with olive oil
  • Add ground turkey, season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and ground ginger, cook until no longer pink
  • Add in stir fry vegetable package
  • Stir well 
  • Add chopped red onion
  • Add cut mushrooms
  • Add honey and soy sauce
  • Cook until vegetables have softened 
  • Add rice and stir well
  • Plate and serve

I have not cooked much with ground ginger, but I am always pleasantly surprised when I do.  It just gives a fresh spin on foods that I typically cook with.  I really need to begin using it more, but I tend to forget since it is not one of my go-to spices.

I know several of you have enjoyed the black rice recipes, so I thought it would be a good idea to share another way to use it.  I really do like it very much, and have found I am not even missing regular old white rice these days.  It's funny what you can get used to when you put yourself first and know getting healthy is the number one priority.  

We had enough for left overs the following night.  My husband asked if I would cut up a chicken breast that had been in the fridge to use it up so I added it to our leftovers, and can I tell you chicken was so yummy with this recipe too.  

Since I like to cook versatile recipes, you could use ground beef, ground chicken, cut up chicken breast, white rice if that is what you prefer.  Really, I only provided a good base, and you can make this recipe your own with what you prefer.  Those are the sorts of recipes I enjoy creating, I do not like having to stay inside the box on much when it comes to cooking in the kitchen.  

Let us know if you decide to give this one a try.  We both thought it was tasty despite Mr. VS's aversion to most vegetables.  😉



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  1. This recipe sounds amazing! I've always loved stir fry. I love how you used the ground turkey in the recipe. I'm going to give this recipe a try. Thank you so much for sharing.


    1. Thank you Stephanie, I have been working a lot with ground turkey lately and have found we do not miss beef at all. Let me know if you like this one.

