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Friday, June 18, 2021

Tilapia with sauce

Searching for healthy meals the whole family will like?  We are sharing with you today a whole meal you can make in under an hour with easy ingredients.  

Do you make the same thing over and over each week?  Sometimes I find myself getting into the same rut... it is not fun when dinner becomes so routine you do not even pay attention to the meal itself.  Am I the only one who does this?  

Sometimes I find myself going through the motions of dinner... I have my go to's... they are so easy to make, no following of a recipe, it is done by the time my husband gets home and clean up is the last thing I have to worry about.  I feel like the quintessential 1950's housewife living in her 1950's house except I work all day too, besides quintessential would not describe me at all!  Who wants to juggle all the things we have to today, and make a three course dinner every night?  Not me... so I try to make it as easy as I can for myself, because clean up then follows... and I despise clean up. 

Sometimes I get so sick of making dinner that I just think who cares what we eat!  Having food allergies really puts a damper on the famous quote, "Just pick something up for dinner tonight."  I have to make most everything from scratch and sometimes it can be really time consuming... have you ever looked at a gluten free recipe online?

They usually have ingredients I cannot even pronounce, or maybe I just prefer not to...  I do not want to put chemicals into my body through food so I think of ways to keep dinner interesting while also making it enjoyable.  

Some of my family members may comment it is not always enjoyable, in their opinion... they have a preconceived notion what something should look and taste like and will not be open minded... I know what I am eating is better than some of the store bought stuff that has a shelf life of now to forever, twinkie anyone?  I have done a lot of research and have found our diet can really affect us positively and negatively, depending on what we fill our body with.    

When you are trying to eat healthy, it can be difficult since most foods have a short shelf life.  Have I mentioned I hate grocery shopping too?  I was ecstatic when online grocerying became a thing.  You mean I can sit in my pj's in the middle of the night and just add items to my cart when I think of something I need?  Sign me up!  I was shopping online for groceries pre-covid... who knew we would call that a thing?  

I was never a Walmart shopper, but I can tell you when they were the first to offer free pick up, I decided to give it a try.  I was pleasantly surprised... I was unsure I would like someone picking out my produce for me.  I can honestly say there have been no issues with produce pickin'.  They could stand to give a little more training on gluten free substitutions, but now I can say no substitutions when I order certain items.  Viola, groceries are done!  Talk about a time saver when I no longer need to meander through the grocery searching for things I need.  

I have been making a lot of fish here lately.  Mr. Vintage has found he likes Mahi Mahi... I thought it was pretty tasty too.  I have never made it prior to this week so I did not take pics of it, but I made tilapia and I am eager to share it with you because it is mighty tasty too!

Do you know how easy tilapia is to make in the Nuwave?  SOOO EASY!  I removed it from it's packaging, placed the frozen fish on the foil covered grill, sprinkled Lawry's seasoning salt and pepper on it to taste, set the timer for 9 minutes, and walked away.  When the timer went off, I went back flipped the tilapia and set it again for 8 minutes.  Done and done!

The best thing?  I came up with my own sauce this week for fish.  I am in love with it... you know I do love my food with a bit of bite... what you will need:

2 T Mayo

1 t Horseradish 

Salt and pepper to taste

Dash of cayenne

Mix it all up and spread on your fish... this small batch made enough for both of us to have on our fish and we had extra so I stored it in a small lock n lock.  Mr. Vintage even liked it!  He said it was yummy!  I also like to put Pico de Gallo on my fish as well.  It became a thing a while ago.  I love when those flavors burst on my tongue!  I cannot get enough of that combination!

So there you have an easy dinner that you can make tonight with a sauce recipe to boot.  When the recipe is this easy, I do not mind so much making dinner.  Now if I can find someone who will clean up, I will have it made!

Affiliate links included.  I added an alternative for you below to the Nuwave we have.  I have to say I love ours, you can read about our review here.  

Interested in no sugar added cookies?  You can read about our Date Brownie recipe, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Date Cookies, and Spice Cookies.  

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  1. This looks great and I totally understand the food allergy stuff. It's a pain and it does make meal prep a little more difficult. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

    1. Hi Kim, thanks! I love being able to share recipes with others who suffer from food allergies. I wish I would have had someone who was able to do that for me when I found out I had them. The good thing is, the recipes I share everyone can eat. My husband is not always a fan of some of the things you can pick up at the grocery so I just find ways around what I can eat and what he will like. Win, win for us both!

