So you have seen various pictures of our dining room over these last few months. Do you want to see what we started with? Don’t get too excited now... when we began removing the wallpaper, there were nice little notes of who had wallpapered the room and the year. It had been nearly 40 years since any updates had happened here.
This is how I remember it...
But it was probably more like this... I used a filter to make the photo not look so green. I saw another picture where it was not so green... so I thought I had better fix it for y'all.
You will have to excuse the mess, I did not know I would be writing a blog and actually sharing my home with anyone when we purchased our home. I only wanted to document our progress over the years.
We brought over a card table so we could eat our breakfast early in the morning before we would get started on our home every Saturday and Sunday before we officially moved in.
Do you recognize the curtains? Yep, I kept them since they worked with our room. I could not see throwing away custom curtains and I am a sucker for a French pleat curtain any day of the week!
We had a cream wool carpet on the floor. It was actually still here up until last year. Any room we knew we wanted carpet in, we went ahead and replaced before we moved in, any room we knew we wanted wood or luxury vinyl (which is what we went with having a rambunctious dog) we left the carpet until we were ready for it to be changed out.
I do love a chair rail in a room... and you can see the same chandelier as we have now...
Here is the wallpaper up close... it was not all bad... but the whole room in green was a bit to take in.
Facing into the kitchen, some still the same and some different...
I also kept the curtain rods, I mean who could throw those away? The only thing new when it comes to curtains were the sheers I changed out this past year.
You can see we removed the mirror from the living room, it is still in our basement.
I love toile wallpaper, but maybe not in this color scheme? Or maybe it was too much green. I was just ready to make it my home...

Looking out of the dining room into the foyer.
These are pictures of this past Christmas so you can see how much things have changed in the dining room.
Do you see the cheetah area rug under our dining room table? That was a big decision for me... I do not usually do daring, but I decided to give it a try. I also read it is considered a neutral so that was kind of a deciding factor for me. I actually ended up loving it. I found it on Overstock where I find all of our rugs.
I think it was all worth it, the many days of stripping wallpaper, painting, ripping up carpet, pulling staples from the floor, the new floor being installed, the decisions in what we should do, how we should decorate, what furniture we would fill the space with, what was our style... but I like to think it all came together just perfect for us! Well, what do you think? Better this way or before? I hope you say the present is best. What is your style, ever step outside your comfort zone? Please share with us.